Joaquin Dorao

A talented illustrator and traveler at heart

Born in the sunny city of Cádiz, Spain, on April 1, Joaquín Dorao from an early age showed a natural talent for the plastic arts. However, his path to becoming an illustrator was not a predestined path. Initially, he ventured into the world of Biological Sciences, studying in the vibrant city of Seville. But the call of art was stronger, and that is how he went to Madrid to embark on a Professional Photography course.

For a couple of years, Joaquín worked as a photographer's assistant in the exciting world of advertising, fashion and art. In his constant search for learning, he also dabbled in the Imaginary Arts Workshop, immersing himself in the fascinating world of advertising. It was on this journey of exploration that he discovered his love for illustration and decided to pursue it as a freelance illustrator. His training has been a mixture of autodidactism and limitless eclecticism.

Diaries illustrated with watercolors from places as fascinating as China, Australia, Mali, Ethiopia, Greece, Croatia and Peru.

Joaquín's career is divided into two main facets: his commercial work and his personal expression through watercolors and travel diaries. In the commercial field, he has made his mark as an illustrator for distinguished publishers and renowned clients, including names such as Samsung, Carrefour, Caja Madrid, Anaya, Cornelsen, Richmond, McMillan, Vodafone and ING Direct. His ability to capture the essence of each brand and translate it into captivating illustrations has left everyone in awe.

However, it is in his personal expression that he truly connects with his passion. Joaquín has combined his two great loves: watercolor and travel. Over the years, he has traveled the five continents, collecting souvenirs in the form of watercolor-illustrated journals from such fascinating places as China, Australia, Mali, Ethiopia, Greece, Croatia and Peru. These diaries began as a need to write down their travel experiences. Little by little, the texts made room for pencil and pen drawings. As the journeys progressed, a box of watercolors, tickets, labels, and museum entries were attached to the pages of his journals. Over time, the images became the main focus, becoming the backbone of her journals.

Joaquín continues to explore new creative horizons, combining his love for illustration, watercolor and travel.

Joaquín's works have been exhibited in various galleries and international festivals, where he has left his mark as a leading artist. He has participated in renowned festivals such as the Biennale du Carnet de Voyage in Clermont-Ferrand, France, and the Festival Diari di Viaggio in Ferrara, Italy. His works have captivated the public and have been recognized with awards and distinctions throughout his career.

Joaquín's passion and talent have also been reflected in prominent publications. In 2010, his first book, "Etiopía", was published by Blur Ediciones in Madrid. This was followed by five books from the "Travel Watercolors" collection, published by the Planeta publishing house in Spain, which reproduce in A4 size and 140 pages the travel notebooks of destinations such as Greece, Australia, China, Peru and Croatia. In addition, he has published various books on cities such as Madrid, Cádiz, Bilbao, Seville, Granada, Segovia and Valencia, Paris, Istanbul, Venice, and countries such as Brazil, India, Morocco, Argentina, Egypt, showing his ability to capture the essence of each place through his watercolors and visual narrative.

Joaquín Dorao's work has been recognized and exhibited in renowned galleries and events, highlighting his participation in the International Biennial of Travel Notebooks in Clermont-Ferrand, where he has been invited on multiple occasions. His personal exhibitions have left their mark in such as the "Supermercart" Gallery in Madrid, the Altaïr travel bookstore in Barcelona and the Juana Francés Hall of the Madrid City Council, among others.

Joaquín continues to explore new creative horizons, combining his love for illustration, watercolor, and travel. His unique approach and his ability to convey emotions through his works will define him as a benchmark in the world of illustration, travel diaries, heritage interpretation, and urban sketching.

Prints of Paris Collection